Use "wimple|wimples" in a sentence

1. Never can one find a single wimple on this cloak.

2. Never could one find a single wimple on this cloak.

3. 8 The black wimple enhanced the whiteness of her skin.

4. Dongmou and son lying ona bedindoor wimple, his wife sitting on the floor.

5. She stared calmly back, her jet black hair escaping from underneath the wimple.

6. She put her wimple on the bust of Newman and developed a taste for pants suits.

7. All she needed to do was raise the hemlines, raise the heels, and leave off the wimple.

8. To which he did respond by saying, Listen, you nun you, you lily white wimple.

9. Crisping-pins (1 Occurrence) Isaiah 3:22 The changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the wimples, and the Crisping-pins, (WBS)

10. Like all demons, he had a good memory for faces, even after ten years, the loss of a wimple, and the addition of some rather severe makeup.

11. Cunnington describe the Barbette as a women’s garment worn in the period of 1200-1350 CE in The Dictionary of Fashion History (2010): “A French term for the wimple and also for the linen band worn under the chin and pinned on the top or sides of head; usually worn with a white fillet.” (20)

12. With slight modifications of shape in some congregations, the traditional monastic habit of the Benedictines consists of a tunic, confined at the waist by a belt of leather or of cloth; a scapular, originally a work apron, the width of the shoulders, that reaches somewhere between the knees and the hem of the tunic; and a hood (men) or wimple